Year 9 Course Selection during Term Four

Email your choices to: Lead Timetable Coordinator Vicki Young

As you have enrolled out of our traditional enrolment period we need you to bypass our usual selection process and email your choices directly to us.  To make this as smooth as possible, please read ALL of the information below carefully before you get in touch with us.

Don't worry about the core subjects.  As they are compulsory, they are automatically added to your timetable for next year and do not need to be selected.  Core subjects are Mathematics, English, Science, Technology, Social Studies, and Health & Physical Education.  What we need are your choices for OPTION subjects:

Step One -  The first choice is to order preferences to study an Art subject for half a year. 

>> Please order these Arts options Dance, Drama, Music or Visual Art, where the TOP TWO are the options you really want to do, and the BOTTOM TWO are the backup options.


1. Drama

2. Visual Art

3. Music

4. Dance

In this example, we would try our hardest to place you in the top two choices you have listed (Drama & Visual Art), and only use the bottom two options (Music & Dance) if classes were full or there are timetable clashes.

Step Two - The second choice is to decide to learn a language or to do a 'rotation' of different options.

>> Please choose 1 of the 2 options given: Te Reo Māori or Rotation.

If 'Rotation' is chosen, the student will be randomly assigned four of the following five subjects to study for one term each: Food and Nutrition, Literacy, Numeracy, Te Reo Māori/Tikanga Māori or Digital Technologies.