Finding and Selecting Courses (for Students entering Year 9)

Firstly, are you on a mobile device?  If so, things may appear differently...

When on a smaller screen, websites fold themselves up a bit to fit your device.  This means, in a nutshell, that the left-hand side menu usually displays as a 'Hamburger' menu (three stacked horizontal lines usually located near the top left or right corner of the screen). Click on this to reveal the dropdown menu to select from the options available.

>> Step One

 Click on Recommended Courses - This displays the options you have to select from for next year.  You must select:

    - ALL FOUR ARTS OPTIONS (Don't panic - you will rank them at the end of the selection process with your top two favourites that you hope to study, and your bottom two selections that will form your backup options) AND

    - ONE of the following TWO options - Te Reo Māori or Rotation.  

        (Please note - French is no longer available).  

The number of courses you need to select and any courses you have already chosen will be displayed on the right of the page.

To select a course, click on the View button that appears when you hover over the course.  This will take you to the details page where you can read about the course and click the 'Select as One of my Courses' button. 

>> Step Two

Click on My Selected Courses - This gives you a summary of all the courses you have already chosen and the number of courses you still need to select.   If completed successfully it will say 5/5 selected.

Scroll down to where you will see the 'Select Course Priority Order' button, and click on it.

Now you can drag and drop!  Hover slightly to the left of the course name and your cursor will change to let you know you can drag and drop.  The TOP TWO ARTS OPTIONS on your list are the ones you want to have a go at, and the BOTTOM TWO are the ones we will only look to if we can't place you in your top two.  We will try our hardest to get you in your top two preferences.

Once this is done, click save and scroll back up to click the Complete My Courses button in the top banner.  This will submit your subject selections for next year.  Now you're done!