Finding and Selecting Courses

Firstly, are you on a mobile device?  If so, things may appear differently...

When entering the school website, Parent Portal, or Course Selection area, look for the "Hamburger Menu" (three stacked horizontal lines usually located near the top left or right corner of the screen). Click on this to reveal the dropdown menu to select from the options available.

Due to the limitations of the screen size, things will appear differently and you will have to scroll down to see all of the courses and your selections.

You will not have selectable menus on the left or right of the screen as you would with a computer. Instead, the Hamburger Menu at the top will contain all of the options from the left side menu, and you will need to scroll down to find the courses you have selected or need to select (normally located in the right side menu). However, the method of choosing your subjects will still be the same.

Finding Courses

>> Learning Areas - This lists all the Faculties which will link to all of their courses.

>> Overview  -  This lists all courses at all levels grouped according to their Faculty.

>> Search Courses  -  This brings up a search bar that allows you to search all courses by typing in a learning area or subject (eg. Biology).

The following options will only be visible after Login by a caregiver.

>> My Selected Courses - This gives you a summary of all the courses you have already chosen and the number of courses you still need to select. You can approve and remove courses, and complete your course selection from here.

>> Recommended Courses  -  This displays the courses available for you to select for next year, according to your current year level.  If you have not completed a prerequisite for a course, it will not be available for you to select and will not appear on this list.  You can still search for the course via one of the other avenues above and request an Exemption for entry into the course.

Selecting Courses    

You must be logged in as a Caregiver to select courses with your children, otherwise, certain options will be unavailable to you.

Each course's page will provide you with a description and some detailed information about the course.  You can select or remove a course, or add it to your favourites by clicking on the options in the top banner (below the course name).

The number of courses you need to select and any courses you have already chosen (including your Backup) will be displayed on the right of the page.

Once you have chosen all of your subjects and are happy with them, click on My Selected Courses from the menu on the left.  Scroll through your courses to ensure they are correct and Approve each course.  Once this is done, click the Complete My Courses button in the top banner to submit your subject selections for next year.  Now you're done!

Don't fret if you have a change of heart.  You can still re-enter the Course Selection area and change your chosen subjects as many times as you want until the selection portal closes.  Just make sure you remember to click the Complete My Courses button to finalise, save, and submit your changes.

NOTE  -  Course Selection will only be open for a short duration around the middle of Term 3.  However, you can still browse courses and add them to your favourites at any time throughout the year.  (You must be logged in as a Caregiver to favourite your courses).