Traditional Tutor Class

Course Description

Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge: Mr N. Sandes.

What is a Tutor Class?

  • Tutor classes meet Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11-11:15 am.
  • Our tutor classes are vertically structured. Each tutor class comprises approximately 10-20 students from Years 9 through 13.
  • Tutor classes are placed within our four houses of Rimu (Red), Kauri (Green), Tōtora (Yellow) Mataī (Blue)
  • It is common for siblings to be in the same tutor group. This enables students and teachers to build long-term relationships with each other, as the students will remain in the same tutor class for the entirety of their school years.

What are they for?

  • Tutor classes focus on developing relationships focused on pastoral care and support for learning. 
  • The tutor teacher is the first port of call for issues or concerns. They also liaise with the home, subject teachers, and the House Dean.
  • Tutors monitor attendance, referrals, achievement, weekly notes, NCEA and careers. 
  • Some tutor-class sessions may focus on fun team-building or school culture-type activities, such as Waiata, Inter-House competitions, individualised reading, quizzes, or other challenges. 

Note: All students need to choose to join EITHER  this Tutor Class OR choose the Whānau GroupTutor Class



Please note that courses will go ahead only if student numbers, staffing, and timetabling allow it.  Where a subject is oversubscribed, and there are insufficient numbers or resources to create an extra class, a ballot system may be applied.  


The Board of Trustees has again asked to opt into the Ministry of Education donation scheme. Doing so resulted in the ability to waive student fee donations. Kaiapoi High School aims to deliver quality educational courses over and above those that which is funded by the Ministry. It is likely the School will opt into the donation scheme for 2025, however parental contribution for the costs of trips and activities where participation is optional, and/or components not covered by the Government grant, may be requested. We appreciate the financial support our families make to the School.