
Whānau Group Tutor Class

Course Description

The Whānau Tutor Groups

  • The Whānau Tutor Groups were established over twenty years ago and remain integral to our school identity. The Whānau and Aiga Tutor Group is an option available to all Māori and Pacific Island students but also acts as another kāinga for the Indigenous peoples of other nations.
  • Whānau and Aiga students are expected to be involved in Pōwhiri, Poroporoaki, Tangihanga, and Rā Whānau. Akonga will learn karakia, waiata, hīmene, haka, and pōwhiri during tutor class time.
  • These Groups recognise the importance of the relational partnership between the school, the students and their families in raising Māori and Pasifika achievement.
  • There are nine Whānau Tutor Groups in the school. These are split over the four Whare Rākau —Tōtara, Kauri, Rimu, Mataī —the four Houses of the School. Whānau Group takes place at the same time as Tutor Class—Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
  • Entry into the Whānau and Aiga tutor groups is open to students of all ethnicities and cultures if they wish to be involved.

Note: All students must choose to join EITHER  this Whānau Tutor Group OR a Tutor Class



Please note that courses will go ahead only if student numbers, staffing, and timetabling allow it.  Where a subject is oversubscribed, and there are insufficient numbers or resources to create an extra class, a ballot system may be applied.  


The Board of Trustees has again asked to opt into the Ministry of Education donation scheme. Doing so resulted in the ability to waive student fee donations. Kaiapoi High School aims to deliver quality educational courses over and above those that which is funded by the Ministry. It is likely the School will opt into the donation scheme for 2025, however parental contribution for the costs of trips and activities where participation is optional, and/or components not covered by the Government grant, may be requested. We appreciate the financial support our families make to the School.