Year 10 Literacy Studies
Course Description
Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge: Ms J. Collins, Mr J. Foley.
Literacy is a half-year course that best prepares students for success in the compulsory NZQA Literacy (Reading and Writing) Co-requisite assessments. To gain Level 1 NCEA, students must gain these Co-requisites.
The course will focus on developing skills in reading and writing, and foster an understanding of purposes and audiences, language and structure. These skills are essential for succeeding in the co-requisites, and future NCEA assessments.
The functional skills developed in this course will benefit ākonga in an array of areas, both inside and outside the classroom.
Students will be placed into this class if we think they could benefit from additional Numeracy support needed to pass these compulsory examinations. Year 10 students at Level 4A and above on the E-asTTle Reading tests will sit these Literacy Co-requisite examinations in 2025. If you are placed in Literacy, you will be contacted to let you know.
If placed into Literacy, this subject will replace one of their chosen options.
Course Overview
What is taught in courses varies from year to year. This course could include:
Students will study an array of texts and passages. These texts are made up of fiction/non-fiction, formal/informal, articles/advertisements, etc. While working on developing their level of reading comprehension, students will also learn strategies and build their understanding of purposes and audiences.
The literacy course includes a heavy focus on writing accurately, including spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Students will write pieces which are fit for specific purposes, and learn how to best tailor their writing to an audience. There will be an equal focus on writing by hand and utilising devices.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Charged device. Pen.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Total Credits Available: 10 credits.
Externally Assessed Credits: 10 credits.
Please note that courses will go ahead only if student numbers, staffing, and timetabling allow it. Where a subject is oversubscribed, and there are insufficient numbers or resources to create an extra class, a ballot system may be applied.
The Board of Trustees has again asked to opt into the Ministry of Education donation scheme. Doing so resulted in the ability to waive student fee donations. Kaiapoi High School aims to deliver quality educational courses over and above those that which is funded by the Ministry. It is likely the School will opt into the donation scheme for 2025, however parental contribution for the costs of trips and activities where participation is optional, and/or components not covered by the Government grant, may be requested. We appreciate the financial support our families make to the School.